2024 Courses and Retreats


Applications are required, and space is limited.

Personal engagement and group discussion will be encouraged. Thus, consistent attendance is required (One or two absences will be permitted). Recordings of classes will be provided.


February 3rd, 2024

San Francisco Dharma Collective

2929 24th street, San Francisco, CA, USA

Come celebrate the publication of Embodying Tara: Twenty-One Manifestations to Awaken Your Innate Wisdom by Chandra Easton. Many know of the female Buddha Tara, but few know of her twenty-one aspects. Come hear stories and anecdotes from the book, experience a guided meditation on the 21 Taras, and get your book signed!


One Ground, Two Paths and Two Results

A Meditation, Yoga, and Shadow Work Retreat

With Chandra Easton


April 8–12, 2024


Esalen Institute

We will become our opposite if we do not learn to accommodate the opposite within us.” – Carl Jung

At the heart of contemplative life is the archetypal journey – returning home to our true nature, our “ground of being.” Buddhism teaches that when we split from this ground, we can either take the path of remembrance (nirvana) or forgetting (samsara). Whether we experience nirvana or samsara depends on our own minds, they are not two different places – they are states of mind.


Embodying Tara

Through Meditation And Chanting

With Chandra Easton And Chantress Nina Rao


May 11th, 2024

Tibet House US

NYC, 22 W 15th St 2nd Floor, New York, USA

Come celebrate women in Buddhism by immersing yourself in Mother Tara on this Mothers’ Day weekend.
Tara, the female buddha of compassion, is called the “Savioress” because she is known for saving beings from the ocean of samsara (suffering). Her name also means “star” as she is as infinite as the stars in the sky. Ultimately, she represents the essential nature of your own mind, your buddha-nature, and in this way, she can manifest in each and every one of us in a myriad of different ways. The twenty-one aspects of Tara appear in the 11th century tantric text called the Twenty-One Praises to Tara, a devotional hymn popular in Tibetan Buddhism, from which Chandra’s book, Embodying Tara, draws its teachings and practices.


Tue ‒ Thu: 09am ‒ 07pm
Fri ‒ Mon: 09am ‒ 05pm

Adults: $25
Children & Students free

673 12 Constitution Lane Massillon
781-562-9355, 781-727-6090